Observer Corps
What is the League’s Observer Corps?
The League of Women Voters’ Observer Corps (LWV OC) is a group of member volunteers who serve as the impartial eyes and ears of the public by attending meetings of certain local governing bodies. LWV OC members take notes and report on their observations; those notes are maintained below for anyone interested.
What is the LWV OC monitoring?
We are monitoring the governing bodies’ compliance with relevant public laws, in particular, the Colorado Open Meetings and Records Laws – also known as the Sunshine laws as well as their adherence to the agenda, inclusion of the public and whether there are issues of concern being considered that affect citizens beyond the governing bodies’ mandate. If and when any actions of one of the governing bodies is not in compliance with the relevant laws, the LWV would reach out to that body to bring the non-compliance to their attention with the intention of correcting the issue. Litigation to enforce compliance is also an option when necessary.
Why should Coloradans learn about our state’s open-government laws, generically known as the sunshine laws?
The Colorado Supreme Court succinctly answered that question in a 1983 ruling (Cole v. State): “A free self-governing people needs full information concerning the activities of its government not only to shape its views of policy and to vote intelligently in elections, but also to compel the state, the agent of the people, to act responsibly and account for its actions.”
The sunshine laws help you effectively participate in government at the state and local level, and they are essential tools for journalists covering government. To learn more about these laws at the local, state and federal level, click here for a Guide to Colorado’s Open Government Guide prepared by the Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition.
Want to be an observer?
Email us at for an application and more information. Thanks!
LWV Count Commission OC notes – June 2024
LWV LAB OC Notes – June 2024
BOCC Special Planning Meeting—3/12/24
This meeting was about a liquor license. One of the positives noted was that approving this store at a campground in Bayfield will keep people from driving to bars and liquor stores.
9R School Board—1/23/24
A video compiled by students of different grade levels was shown at the meeting. All the students in the video thanked the board. Survey Discussion (District Advisory Committee) • Options for making...
Health Advisory Board: 12/14/23
This meeting included as presentation of Onsite Wastewater, Basis of Authority and enforcement regulations. This was a presentation by a Health Department representative (I did not get his name) on...
City Council—12/5/23
We arrived early, Durango City Council regular meeting ten minutes early to a full room and all the councilors (less Councilor Bosmans) seated ready to start. Councilor Bosmans arrived just as...
9R School Board—11/28/23
The highlights of this meeting included a review of the Social and Emotional Needs survey conducted in the student population. There were some differences between Native American students and other...
Health Advisory Board: 11/16/23
The process for sharing information with the public seems to be getting more inclusive over time. Each item on the agenda had a detailed Action Item Printout that included relevant information the...
Board of County Commissioners—11/14/23
• A family of red heads (Rebecca Couch?) foster care provider. Department was very helpful with adoption. Adoption of local kids is a need, and we can all do something to support families and...
City Council—11/7/23
At the beginning of the meeting, the members were late. There was no agenda provided to the public and the agenda items were not clearly described for the public (no background info was provided...
Health Advisory Board: 10/26/23
Consideration of contract for a Medical officer of the LPC Public Health Department. This has to do with having an MD on contract as advisor/oversight to the Public Health department. This was...
Board of County Commissioners—10/10/23
Eleven items in consent agenda approved. Discussion items: • Falls Creek – requesting 2 letters of support for 2 grants for fire mitigation. Buying a tractor, using Veteran labor, donating wood to...
Board of County Commissioners—10/4/23
There were six (6) items on the Consent Agenda. There was for the approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between the all municipal, tribal and county entities regardingthe detoxification...