The highlights of this meeting included a review of the Social and Emotional Needs survey conducted in the student population. There were some differences between Native American students and other students at the high school. It was agreed that it might help to include teachers in the survey next year.

The Board reviewed the retreats/conferences that members of the Board attended this year. Feedback was varied about the value of these conferences and some will opt to attend different conferences next year.

Under the Self-Evaluation agenda item, the Board discussed low public participation in district meetings. In past years members of the public attended a sponsored coffee hour. But, attendance at those meetings has declined. More work needs to be done to put together a work plan template on this topic. After discussing possible uses of social media, or perhaps a news column for the public, discussion was tabled due to time constraints. The Board has a goal to run shorter, more organized meetings.

The Board approved revised salary schedules for licensed staff, educational support professionals and student services providers.

Comment: The meeting ran from 5:30 pm to approximately 9:15 pm. There is a public participation section for those who attend the meeting and fill out a card. Rules re: participation are available on the website. I don’t see an option for the public to comment at a meeting if they dial in remotely. I wonder if the length of the meetings is a deterrent for members of the public.