Consideration of contract for a Medical officer of the LPC Public Health Department. This has to do with having an MD on contract as advisor/oversight to the Public Health department. This was requested by Sheryl Rogers, County Attorney’s office. This motion was approved.
Consideration of contract for Pharmacist Services for the LPC Public Health Department. This position would provide pharmaceutical expertise to the Public Health Department. Requested by Cheryl Rogers, County Attorney’s office. This motion was approved.
Consideration of Resolution 2023-02, LPC Public Health fee schedule for environmental health services, retail food establishment services, and vital statistic services. Requested by Clarie Macpherson, La Plata County Health interim Director. These fees are designed to cover the cost of these services only (revenue neutral). Discussion was held on further study of these fee with the aim to lower fees if possible. Fees would be published on the LPC Public Health Department website. This motion was approved.