“Undivide Us,” a documentary film by filmmaker Kristi Kendall, explores the political divide and how Americans can reach one another despite their differences. The League of Women Voters of La Plata County is hosting a screening of the film in Durango on June 25 and in Bayfield in July. (Courtesy of Undivide Us Movie Screenings)
Film explores how Americans can unite despite political differences
The League of Women Voters of La Plata County is hosting a screening of “Undivide Us,” a documentary film about bridging the political divide.
The screening is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. June 25 at the Durango Public Library.
The LWV Montezuma County chapter is hosting screenings at the same time in Mancos, Cortez and Dolores. The La Plata County chapter will host another screening in Bayfield in July.
The screening occurs on the eve of the Colorado primary elections, a fitting time to watch the film, which was released last year and is all about navigating the discord and toxicity of contemporary American politics.
Laurie Meininger, LWVLPC president of the board of directors, said “the film leaves viewers with tools for engaging with friends, family and neighbors in ways to overcome our biases and restore civility in this political season.”
Kristi Kendall, director of the film, said it features regular American voters in Pittsburgh, Atlanta and Phoenix who disagree wholeheartedly with one another on important issues such as abortion, guns, policing and immigration, but come to respect and understand each other.